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Patisserie Giulia, the Team grows in the Laboratory and ‘La Sfogliatella’ is celebrated, from sweet to savory

Patisserie Giulia, the Team grows in the Laboratory and ‘La Sfogliatella’ is celebrated, from sweet to savory

The pastry chef Roberto Ruggiero at the head of the brigade of the historical entrepreneurial reality adjacent to the Sanctuary of the Madonna Dell’Arco

Carmine Leonessa of the Patisserie Giulia in Sant’Anastasia, adjacent to the Sanctuary of the Madonna Dell’Arco, is aiming at new recipes and goodness with the new year. Hence the choice to increase the team in the historic laboratory, which has always been renowned for the quality of the breakfasts, typical sweets and traditional cakes. Roberto Ruggiero, a Neapolitan with a long experience behind him, from the Gambrinus to the entrepreneurial realities of northern Italy coordinated the team.

“Roberto has followed the line of panettone at Christmas – explains Carmine Leonessa, patron of the Patisserie Giulia di Sant ‘Anastasia – with great success, especially for the recipe with the apricot pellecchiella from Vesuvius. On this style, between tradition and innovation, we continued the journey in the laboratory, enhancing with evolution the typical sweets of the Italian regions and especially of our territory”.

There is also a line dedicated to Designing cakes for all types of events, from birthday to weddings, where the customer has the possibility to customize his own cake. The breakfast offer has already been extended, with new croissanterie lines, from the whole croissant, to the gluten free, to the Muffins.
And here is also a review of the rotisserie, from stuffed focaccia to sandwiches prepared with typical products from Campania.
“There is also a food line – continues Carmine Leonessa – for those who cannot allow themselves much time for their lunch break, with various first courses prepared by our chefs”.
“On this occasion we were able to interpret the traditional recipe to the best of its expression – explains the Master Ruggiero – and the sfogliatella in its most modern evolution and with curious variations to stimulate our palate and sensory memory”

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